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#1 von chunshu00 , 30.03.2020 10:38

The lack of development in rural areas of India also slows down the overall growth of the economy. Women in rural areas yearn to live a better life Russell Westbrook Youth Jersey , but are not aware of the means available to do the same. Hence, credit co-operative societies in India were established to provide easy access of cost-effective financial services to people with small means.

However, women in rural areas are even today, not allowed to manage finances and hence lack the knowledge of various financial services available. Additionally Paul George Womens Jersey , the banking procedures are quite complex for them to understand and adapt to. Thus, these women generally refrain from investing and saving in banks. A lot of co-operative societies in India along with several other corporates are doing immense work for women empowerment. These societies not only help uplift them, but also encourage them to march towards development.

Co-operative societies and financial institutions in India know the significance of development of rural areas for the growth of the entire economy. They understand the fact that educating a woman creates a twofold effect as these women can further impart the same knowledge to their children and families.

Mentioned below are a few points that showcase several works undertaken to empower women:

Television commercials and radio ads
Television commercials and radio jingles are created to spread awareness about women empowerment. These ads are generally run by the government or corporates to inform people about the importance of equal rights, economic and social justice. This falls under social women empowerment.

Training in rural areas
Several NGO and corporates provide training to rural women which help uplift their lifestyle. This further helps in educational women empowerment as it empowers them with skills Carmelo Anthony Womens Jersey , knowledge and self-confidence.

Employment opportunities
Occupational empowerment of women helps in uplifting their lifestyle. Many co-operative societies in India provide employment opportunities to women.

Adarsh Credit Co-operative Society Ltd. is one such society that understands the need of women empowerment very well and makes it their mission to empower such women by educating them about various financial and employment opportunities available. Time and again, Adarsh Credit takes up different initiatives to motivate women in India and help them understand the importance of managing finances effectively. They hold monthly meetings in different rural areas of India with Anganwadi workers and educate them about the benefits of savings schemes.

Thus, co-operative societies in India aim to contribute their bit in development of the overall economy. They constantly take up different initiatives which not only empower women, but also uplift their families and children.

With the stature of Multi-State Credit Co-Operative Society Russell Westbrook Womens Jersey , Adarsh Credit serves their financial products and services to millions of members across India. But apart from this, the Society is also known to educate rural India, especially women. They also are known to generate employment. Adarsh Credit Co-operative Society Ltd. has thus, successfully reached out to women in rural area and encouraged them to invest in a better tomorrow.

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